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David Schrum 4 (1)

David Schrum Ph.D.

Full Professor

About Dr. Schrum

Dr. Schrum's research summaries include the following:

Electrophoretically Mediated Micro-Analysis (EMMA): An Application of Capillary Electrophoresis. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is an analytical technique used to separate ions based on their electrophoretic mobility through an applied voltage. Electrophoretically medicated microanalysis (EMMA) is and application of CE used to perform enzyme assays and to determine substrate concentrations by using Michaelis Menten kinetics and the data collected from the experiment. One enzyme system being studied using EMMA involves lactate dehydrogenase with either lactate or pyruvate as a substrate and either NADH or NAD+ as a cofactor. From the CE data obtained, substrate calibration curves will be prepared for use in the future with unknown substrate concentrations as often found in a clinical laboratory setting.  

Analysis and Characterization of Mesembrine type Alkaloids obtained from Sceletium tortuosum The South African plant, Sceletium tortuosum, has been found to contain psychoactive alkaloids of the mesembrine class that alter the mental state of humans. These alkaloids work by acting as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s), which in turn enhance the mood of the recipient. This project will involve a method for the extraction and purification of these mesembrine compounds from the milled plant material. To properly separate these compounds, extraction of the compounds will be confirmed using Thin Layer Chromatography, Automated Accelerated Column Chromatography and Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS).


  • Ph.D., Analytical Chemistry, Purdue University
  • B.S., Chemistry, University of WI-Stevens Point

Professional Background

  • Professor, University of Redlands 2011-present
  • Associate Professor, University of Redlands 2005-2011
  • Assistant Professor, University of Redlands 1999-2005
  • Visiting Research Professor, Louisiana State University (sabbatical), 2005-2006
  • Analytical Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Oak Ridge National Laboratories, 1998-1999
  • Research Associate, Microbial Insights, Inc../UT-Knoxville 1996-1997


A. Klausner, R. Lyons, D.P. Schrum, "An Analytical Determination of Kidney and Bladder Stone Causing Minerals and Compounds in Dog Foods", presented at the Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research (SCCUR), California State University, Fullerton, November, 2023


L. Ionescu, D.P. Schrum, “The Isolation and Characterization of the Four Major Alkaloids in Sceletium tortuosum, an Alternative Natural Therapeutic for Anxiety and Depression”, presented at the American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2022.


K. Luna, D.P. Schrum, “Electrophoretically Mediated Microanalysis (EMMA): an Application of Capillary Electrophoresis”, presented at the Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research (SCCUR), California State Polytechnic University, Pomona , November, 2017.


A. Adomaa-Fordjour, D.P. Schrum, “The Separation and Quantification of Mesembrine Alkaloids in the South African Plant, Sceletium tortuosum: A Possible Alternative to Antidepressants”, presented at the Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research (SCCUR), California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, November, 2017.


S. Finkbohner, D.P. Schrum, “Electrophoretically Mediated Microanalysis (EMMA): an Application of Capillary Electrophoresis for Performing Enzyme Assays”, presented at the Southern California Conference on Undergraduate Research (SCCUR), University of California-Riverside, November, 2016.


Awards and service

  • HEDCO Foundation grant for the purchase of a GC/MS system 2016
  • HEDCO Foundation grand for the purchase of a LC/MS system 2010
  • Undergraduate Science Research Grant, Merck/AAAS 2003-2007